Making Miso, Sharing Cultures (Book)

Making Miso, Sharing Cultures (Book)
from $14.00
This beautiful, 60-page bilingual chapbook has the story of the annual miso making party hosted by our friends Yuri Baxter-Neal (from Life Sampling), Lola Milholland (from Umi Organic) and Sakiko Setaka (from Soen Portland). You can get step-by-step instructions for how to host your own.
Miso Time 味噌時間 by Lola Milholland
How to Make Miso in Community
Umami Life 旨味人生 by Yuri Baxter-Neal
Miso Soup for Every Season
God Dwells in Miso 味噌の神様がいた by Sakiko Setaka
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友人でローカルビジネス仲間でもあるゆりさん(Yuri Baxter-Neal)、ローラ(Lola Milholland)、さきこさん(Sakiko Setaka) によるコミュニティ味噌作りの活動と、それぞれの味噌にまつわるストーリーを紹介した一冊。これを読めば味噌のこともっと好きになる、皆で青空のもと味噌を作りたくなること間違いなし。
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