Direct Sales Nov. 6-8, 2021
We'll sell our regular products (found at our retailers), and you can buy our Nama (Raw) Koji and other limited, seasonal or trial-run test products ONLY through our Direct Sales.
We are very very happy to connect you directly with our fermented products!
We'll sell to customers who can come and pick up their orders,
or we can deliver them within the Portland metro area.
We’ll charge a delivery fee: $5 within the Portland city limits, $7 outside that.
We’ll pack our products in glass jars as much as possible in order to reduce plastic. Please recycle or return the used jars on your future orders.
We’ll refund: $0.30 for 9oz jars, $0.50 for 1lb jars and $1.00 for 2lbs jars.
Orders require RSVP (by Noon, Monday Nov 1st).
+++++ Thank you for your understanding and cooperation! +++++
<Sale Dates & Places>
① Nov 6th (Sat) 9 am - 8 pm / for Pickup
② Nov 7th (Sun) 9 am - 8 pm / for Pickup
at our facility (in the Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood, SE Portland, OR 97202)
We will let you know the exact address after you place your order.
③ Nov 8th (Mon) 9 am - 8 pm / for Delivery
If you’re not available for any of the above, please comment your available days/times
on the order form below. Only for Pickup
<Products & Prices>
- MISO / 味噌 -
White Miso
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $8.50, 2 lbs - $15.50
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $11.00, 2 lbs - $20.25
Red Miso
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $9.25, 2 lbs - $17.00
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $12.00, 2 lbs - $22.50
Dark Red Miso
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $12.25
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $15.00
Chickpea Miso*
1 lb - $10.00, 2 lbs - $18.50
Dark Chickpea Miso*
1 lb - $13.25
* Our Chickpea Miso and Dark Chickpea Miso are made from
organic chickpeas and non-GMO rice.
** The prices include the fee of glass jars. If you return them, we’ll refund:
$0.50 for 1lb jars and $1.00 for 2lbs jars.

- SHIO KOJI / 塩麹 / 塩糀 -
9 oz - $6.00
- GOMA MISO SAUCE / ごま味噌ソース -
9 oz - $6.25 → Temporarily Out of Stock
Some ingredients are unavailable at this time. We’ll let you know when it’s back in stock.
- NAMA KOJI / 生麹 / 生糀 -
Non-GMO: 1 lb - $7.00, 2 lbs - $14.00
ORGANIC: 1 lb - $13.00, 2 lbs - $26.00
* They are vacuum sealed to preserve them longer. But if you don’t want them sealed, we can pack them into double paper bags. Please let us know in the order form below.

- ORGANIC AMAZAKE / オーガニック甘酒 -
1 lb - $7.00 each
Plain (White Rice)
White & Black Rice
Brown Rice
Japanese Sweet Potato
Kabocha & Coconut Cream → sold out

- BOOKS / 本 -
Japanese Pickled Vegetables $16.99
(But you can purchase it via your local book stores / online.)
きちんとおいしく作れる漬物* $11
料理用あま酒、はじめました。* $12
からだに効く!おいしく食べるあま酒レシピ* $12 → out of stock
とっておきのぶどう(小冊子)* $5
The author, Machiko Tateno, is Yuri's friend and an expert on Japanese fermented foods. She recently visited Portland and had workshops with us. *:Written in Japanese.

<How to Order>
Please use the form below.
Once we get your order, we’ll send you an email as confirmation in a couple of business days. If you don’t receive the email, please check your spam folder.
<Order Due Date>
Nov 11st (Mon) Noon
<How to Make Payments>
We’ll send you an email for online payment via Square as confirmation of your order.